Women’s Ministry exists to equip women to love God, love neighbors, and make disciples. We desire to lead women to embrace the great assurance and hope of their identity in Jesus Christ and to claim and enjoy satisfaction in him. We will treasure Christ together through...

• Prayer
• Study and application of the Word
• Fellowship
• Serving one another

We will encourage the older women to be examples and teachers of the younger women. We are committed to raising up women who exemplify biblical womanhood to the glory of God.


Bible Study 

Our goal for women’s Bible study is to know God more, love God more, and for our hearts to be transformed by God, so that He will be glorified. We connect with other women in the church as we study God’s Word together, learn from one another and encourage one another in applying God’s Word to daily life experiences. We will be studying the book of Matthew this year. 


Making Our Mothering Significant (MOMS) purpose is to help moms understand and cherish their title under Christ as daughters of the King and to maintain a Christ-exalting vision of motherhood. We do that through fellowship, encouragement, prayer and listening to speakers on related topics.

MOMS meets twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays during the school year.

Gospel-Centered Motherhood

We meet with the goal of equipping mothers and mothers-to-be with an understanding of how the Gospel applies to and impacts all aspects of motherhood. Join us on the third Saturday of each month to learn together how to focus on God in everyday circumstances, pray for one another, and encourage one another along the way.

Together in Christ Mentoring

God desires his daughters experience the joy of coming together, connecting authentically, and moving into closer relationships with each other and with him. We provide that opportunity through our mentoring ministry “Together in Christ” through MORE Mentoring (Mentoring One on one & Relating authentically through Encouragement and prayer).

Email Emily to learn more or fill out a mentor or mentee application. 


Holly NelsonMinister for Women’s Ministry
Emily ZwickyAdministrative Assistant