Disability Ministry

“At South Cities, we believe all human beings are made in God's image and worthy of dignity, care, and respect. We live in a world that often disregards those with disabilities. Yet, the word of God tells us that all people—including those with disability—were knit together in their mother's womb, fearfully and wonderfully made. We celebrate and honor our Creator by celebrating and honoring all those made by him in his image. You are very welcome here.”

—Pastor Dave Zuleger

South Cities Disability Ministry exists to glorify God recognizing that all people are made in his image. We do this by helping people throughout their present suffering all the way to glory. Many people assume that suffering is an abnormal part of life and should be avoided. In truth it’s a sad, but normal reality of a broken world. As believers, we can face the existence of disability with the sure hope of the gospel. Our sins are forgiven now and someday everything will be made right with the consummation of all brokenness. It is our prayer that the disability ministry will showcase this hope and glorify God in the process.

  • The church is meant to be a beautiful display of unity amidst diversity. We’re a diverse community in our appearance and abilities, and are unified in our brokenness, our salvation by God’s free grace and the knowledge that He gives each person gifts for building up the body. The reality of disability is simply one more way unity and diversity are on display.

    It is our joy to welcome those with disabilities into the fellowship of our church family and all its discipleship opportunities. If you have disabilities or know someone who does, we want you to come. We want to meet you. We want to integrate people with disabilities in the life and work of the church while cultivating Christ-like relationships of love. This means finding ways for people with disabilities to serve and love others while we serve and love them. We are interdependent upon God and one another. People with disabilities have much to contribute to the body of Christ and when they are not present, the body is lacking. We will seek to encourage and equip one another to respond to Christ’s call on our lives. Together we are one body, growing in faith and making disciples of Jesus.


Sunday School

We offer classroom opportunities from birth to adult. We will help you determine the best placement and any support needed while you are with us during Sunday school. Email disability@southcities.church to register so we can get to know you before you come for the first time.

Ministry Opportunities

Sunday School

Each school year we gather a team of gospel-loving volunteers to put Jesus on display. A willing heart to learn and a commitment to this ministry is all you need to come alongside those with disabilities. Throughout the year we offer trainings and resources to support you as you serve in this area. We will also find ways for those with disabilities to serve and love others as a part of our body.

Email disability@southcities.church to learn more, register, or serve.