Next Generation

Nursery, Kids, & Youth Ministries

Upcoming Events

March 8


High School

Sunday School

This year we will be working through the book of Matthew in conjunction with our men’s and women’s ministries to provide a deeper look at Jesus and unite our families in follow-up discussions throughout the week about the same topic and Bible passages.

Wednesday Night

We start at 6pm with corporate worship in the Sanctuary. At 6:15pm, we will head to the gym for an activity, and then go up to the Youth Room for our study of the book of Hebrews, fellowship, prayer, small group time and closing with youth led worship.

Discipleship Life Groups

DLGs will meet in small groups at various youth leaders homes during the month on Sunday evenings. We will grow in our faith as we learn to be the body of Christ together, bearing one another’s burdens and spurring one another on in our faith.

Middle School

Sunday School

This winter we will continue tackling the question “Now What?”—focused on growing deeper in our relationship with God.

Wednesday Night

We start at 6pm with corporate worship in the Sanctuary. At 6:15pm, we will head to the gym for an activity, and then go up to the Youth Room for fellowship, prayer, and group Bible lessons.

Discipleship Life Groups

DLGs will continue to meet this winter in church members’ homes. We will grow in our faith as we learn to be the body of Christ together, bearing one another’s burdens and spurring one another on in our faith.


In our programs for children in preschool and the elementary grades, we seek to point the next generation to find their joy in Jesus, to be students of God’s word, and to connect in the local church. We are eager to serve your children and family.

Sunday School

Children in Preschool–Grade 5 are invited to participate in Sunday School classes at 9am where they will learn about God, hear the gospel, and interact with a small group for activities and lesson application. 

We encourage families to attend Sunday School classes at 9am (adult classes are also offered) and then the worship service at 10:30am. Parents, please escort children in Grade 3 or younger to their classrooms and pick them up when class is finished.

Wednesday Night

Students ages 4 years (by September 1) through Grade 5 will gather to hear a devotional, pray together, and have games/activities with their peers. Parents, please escort children to the Choir Room at 6:15pm for teaching and pick up children at 7:45pm in the Gym when the evening concludes.

Ministry Opportunities

Each school year we gather a team of gospel-loving volunteers to put Jesus on display for the next generation. In every classroom, team leaders, teachers, worship leaders, small group leaders, Disability Ministry buddies/mentors, and substitutes help children learn and grow.


We welcome children ages birth–3 years to be cared for during worship services and special events. A team of caregivers leads children in age-appropriate care, playtime, stories, and songs. 


  • Each time you use the nursery, visit a Check-In Kiosk to check in and print name tags for your child(ren).

  • Nursery rooms are located on the second floor, just beyond the Cafe area.

  • The Nursing Mom's Room is located right outside the Sanctuary (near the Kitchen).

Ministry Opportunities

Loving, nurturing caregivers strive to lay a solid spiritual foundation in the lives of the littlest ones at South Cities through intentional prayer, Bible lessons, and biblical truths. Opportunities to serve abound on weekends, various weekdays for MOMS, Bible studies, and special events.

Concerning time requirement, there is a lot of flexibility—choose to serve once a month, twice a month, weekly, and/or occasionally for special events.

Email Sarah Vogel to learn more, register your child, volunteer, announce your child’s birth or adoption or dedicate your child.

Next Generation Staff

Nathan MetcalfPastor for Youth

Sarah VogelDirector for Children & Nurseries