“Praise on Earth and in the Throne Room” — Pastor Dave Zuleger

Sermon Outline

Revelation 4: Praise on Earth and in the Throne Room

Introduction: A Vision to Help God's People See 

  1. God Revealed (vv.1-6)

  2. Our Response (vv.7-12)

South Cities Kids

  1. Why do you think it's so important for Jesus to show the people how strong and powerful God is right after he just talked about all the struggles the churches are facing? 

  2. When you are facing struggles in your life - how does it help you to know how strong and powerful God is? 

  3. Why do you think Revelation uses so many symbols and pictures to talk about how glorious God is? Can you draw a picture trying to show how God's glory is pictured in this passage? 

  4. When you hear how powerful God is and see these pictures of how powerful he is - does it make your heart want to worship him? 

  5. If you trust in Jesus to forgive your sins - all of this power of God is for your good! Does that make you feel less afraid of hard things in life? 

  6. What does it mean that God is holy? Why should the whole world worship him? 


“The Slain Lamb is Alive” — Pastor Dave Zuleger


“Faithfulness To and Through the Coming Crisis” — Pastor Daniel Viezbicke